Foot therapy Kinta no Ashi
Foot therapy Kinta no Ashi is a good place where we can relax through foot therapy, or reflexology. It’s located in Kinta no Sato which has also a restaurant, shop (selling local goods), hot spring, accommodation, and of course foot therapy!
Foot therapy
Uses both acupressure and reflexology. It removes your stress.
It also improves circulation.
If you want to know more about foot therapy, please visit here. (Japanese only) (wikipedia.ENG)
Here in Kinta no Ashi, pure aroma oil is used for all courses.
There are 6 different courses…
*below the knee course (15 min)………..…1400 yen
*below the knee course (30 min)……… …..2400 yen
*below the knee & head course (30 min)…2400 yen
*below the knee & hand course (30 min)…2400 yen
*below the knee & back course (30 min)…2400 yen
*body refresh course (50 min)……………..3400 yen
You can enjoy Kinta no Sato all day.
Visit here, and feel relaxed and refreshed!
Foot therapy Kinta no Ashi
Tel: (0855)-42-3555
Address: Kanagi Cho Shitijo I 980-1(金城町七条イ980番1)
Wednesday/ Friday(13:00~19:00)
Sunday(12:00~18:00) (Japanese only)