Yuhi Park and Osakana center
Hamada city is surrounded by mountains and faces the Sea of Japan. This is why this city is famous for its delicious foods from land and sea. In Harai town near the Hamada Marine Ohashi (Hamada marine bridge), there is a large fish shop. Most Japanese tourists who visit Hamada enjoy shopping there for souvenirs.
Thanks to our fishermen, fresh fish is supplied every day. This enormous fish shop is characterized by its location, only 100 meters from the harbor.
Interestingly, one of the shops has a grilling service. The name of the shop is Sekisyu-kanibannya. (☎0855 – 23 – 5589 This store is closed on Tuesdays.)
We can choose some kinds of seafood for example oysters (¥ 200) , scallops (¥280) , shrimps (¥280) , and grill them over a charcoal fire. It is a dish that you can eat only in Shimane and it’s self-service. It’s better to have a reservation since they usually have a lot of customers on the weekend.
Twice a month Iwami kagura, which has been performed for a long time in this area, is performed on Sunday. However, if it rains the Kagura performance will be canceled.
Yuhi park Hamada (Sunset park) is the one of the most famous places in this city.
In the evening, some couples visit an observation deck to enjoy the beautiful sunset. In July, Hamakko-Natsumatsuri (summer festival) is held around here. At the end of the festival, beautiful fireworks are displayed in the sky.
(Picture by : http://abbkbb.seesaa.net/archives/201008-4.html)
There are two restaurants in the main building of Yuhi park. The left hand side one is a smorgasbord style restaurant. The other one mainly serves set meals. Aside from these restaurants, there is also a burger shop, a noodle shop, and bakery are open. After having lunch why don’t you enjoy shopping in a souvenir shop? Many kinds of processed goods , special products of Hamada and folk crafts are sold.
The parking lot has a capacity of one hundred and thirty cars. It's really busy in summer and during Golden Week. If you have not decided what to do next, go and get some useful information at the information desk on the first floor.
Not only adults but also small children can enjoy playing in the park adjacent to the restaurants. There are swings, a slide and a climbing frame shaped like a boat.
(Picture by : http://yujicrf150.exblog.jp/page/2/)
● Shimane Osakana Center (しまねお魚センター)
〒 697 – 0017
島根県浜田市原井町3050 – 46
☎ 0855 – 23 – 5500 FAX : 0855 – 23 – 5504
● Yuhi Park Hamada (ゆうひパーク浜田)
〒 697 – 0017
島根県浜田市原井町1203 – 1
☎ 0855 – 23 – 8000 FAX : 0855 – 23- 8001
Web site : http://www.yuhipark-hamada.com/